In addition to the Pet Health Care Library, we have provided the following links to websites that provide some great information on a variety of topics related to veterinary medicine and pet health care.
American Association of Feline Practitioners Find a feline veterinarian in your area and view feline health information and videos, including tips on getting your cat used to the carrier and car rides.
Animal Poison Control Center Information on toxic and non-toxic plants and common household toxins
Cornell Feline Health Center Feline healthcare videos, including management of diabetes and kidney disease, giving medications, trimming nails, and brushing teeth
The Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA) The Cat Fanciers' Association website has lots of pictures, as well as information on cat breeds, cat care, upcoming cat shows, and much more.
Alley Cat Allies Information on feral cats, trap/neuter/return programs, and how to build a cat-proof fence
Rainbow Bridge Anyone who has ever lost a pet should visit this wonderful site. It is a terrific tribute to our lost family members and has information on pet loss grief support.
American Veterinary Medical Association Includes pet health brochures and current issues in veterinary medicine
Know Heartworms Specific information on heartworm disease in cats
The Indoor Cat Initiative This site has great information on feline behavior, including litter boxes, scratching, and preventing boredom!
The Paw Project This is a very informative site on the procedure, risks and problems associated with declawing cats. Anyone considering having a cat declawed should read this information first.
ASPCA Behavior Information on preventing and managing common feline behavior problems
Catalyst Council Watch a video on how to train your cat to get into the carrier
Petfoodology Great information on pet foods from nutritionists at Tufts University Veterinary School
